What a great day we had on Sunday! I loved all of it!! Watching people make their way forward to make their commitments; hearing Pastor Bryan cast a strong vision for the Reading Area Campus; hearing stories of lives transformed by God; introducing myself for the first time as the 'Reading Area Campus Pastor' (thanks to those of you who gave me a shout out!!) - it was an outstanding day!
After the service, I had the chance to meet a few of you for the first time in the Courtyard - the Doremuses, the Bennetts, and the Blumenshines - and hear some of your enthusiasm for what God is doing. I can't wait for us all to find time to gather and to get to know each other better soon!
On Monday, the pastors and ministry staff gathered all of the 'post it' notes that were placed on the walls. Each note represented names and places where people are asking God to fill with his grace. We poured over them and prayed for each one they represented. Two of my post-its had the new campus on them!
Let's continue to be praying for what God is doing. In particular, be prayerful about the location of our new campus. We have a team investigating some options, but if you have suggestions or know of available space, pass it along. We are looking for about 25-30,000 ft2 to inhabit together - families, kids, students, singles, and grandparents alike!!
Thanks for all your enthusiasm!!
Serving with you,