Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dessert Gatherings This Summer

Throughout the summer, a number folks will host dessert gatherings for people who are interested in hearing more about the new campus. Richard and I will be sharing about the vision, our progress, and our hope to have 200 people committed to worship and serve in some area of ministry when we open the doors for our public launch. Are you interested in being one of those 200? Email me at if you'd like to join us at one of these gatherings!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New site possibility

Thank you for all your prayers! Can I ask for some more? Just recently we have stumbled across a very promising possible location for the new campus. While I can't get into all of the details at this point, I believe that there are some things about this site that would make it very desirable. Will you be praying with us during the next few weeks as we explore this further with those involved? Thanks, Tom

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We are in full swing with the new campus development and I sense, more and more, the Lord’s presence in this entire vision. I look forward to seeing Him work and provide in ways that will just blow us away!!

There are many ways that we can be praying for God to intervene. Let’s commit to diligently lifting these matters to the Lord and then asking for listening hearts so that we can be aligned with His will for this campus.

Please be praying for:
  • The new campus site. At this point, we are uncertain of the exact location, but know of a few potential spots that seem promising and would invite our presence as a new church body. Beyond these, we are praying for an ideal location right in Reading - however, many obstacles stand in our way. Keep in mind the account from Ezra and the building of the temple. The Lord can move and change hearts, like He did to the King of Persia, if this is His will. (Ezra 1:1)

  • 200 serving leaders. Our goal in the next several months is to identify 200 people who will commit to serving with us at the new campus. Be thinking about people you know who might have a desire to be a part of the new campus as committed servants in various ministries. Pray that these servant-leaders will hear God whispering in their ear and step forward and commit to becoming key members of leadership teams at the new campus. May hearts be prepared and inclined towards the Lord’s leading.

  • Summer gatherings. Praise God that people have volunteered to host groups of people that will be interested in committing to the new campus. We are thankful for your hospitality and heart for welcoming these people. Continue to pray that the Lord will enable us to work out the details of these gatherings with organization and structure so that the vision can be effectively shared and we can follow up in meaningful ways with these families. Pray that the community and fellowship will be rich and honoring to God. If you want to be a part of one of these gatherings, let Tom know by emailing him at

It is a joy to be praying with you and experiencing God’s guidance together!

Kirsten McLaughlin