Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Great Sunday Afternoon!

What a great day it was this past Sunday at the New Campus Open House! Thanks to all who came and for everyone who pitched in to provide warmth, hospitality, grace and fun! We hosted over 300 throughout the event, and everyone had a chance to see the building that we'll be voting on purchasing on Sunday, November 7.

A few highlights from the day:

  • The event was hosted by our New Campus Team - it was the church being the church! Thanks team!
  • People who have committed to the New Campus were able to meet one another - some for the first time!
  • Many committed and engaged people came to see the building for the first time. It gave them a chance to see how their faithful vision and generosity will contribute to the forwarding of God's kingdom in metro-Boston.
  • Cars in the parking lot and bodies in the rooms helped us envision what church would look like here. I had someone tell me that that they drove by on 93 and saw the full lot and prayed for us!
  • 8 more people made a commitment to the New Campus - bringing our total now to 108!
  • 50 more people indicated that they are considering the New Campus as their church home.
All in all, a very good day!

Don't forget the two upcoming Congregational Meetings after the 11am service on Sunday, October 31 and Sunday, November 7. The first will be for us to hear a full update on the building and to open the floor for discussion and the second will be for members to vote.

For current information, including a power point presentation that details the specifics of the purchase proposal of 128 West St. Wilmington, go to www.grace.org/newcampus


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Join Us On Sunday!

This coming Sunday from 1-3pm, we are hosting an Open House at the 128 West St. property in Wilmington. (the Casa Di Fior property).
Our primary goal is to allow the congregation a chance to see the building before the upcoming vote (Sunday, November 7). A second goal is to give those who might have an interest in being a part of the new campus a chance to meet people who have already decided to worship and serve with us!
If you are able to come and join us, we'd love for you to be there! At the open house, I will be providing an overview of our plans and progress, we will offer site tours throughout the afternoon, and refreshments will be available as well! I encourage you to come to see this exciting place for yourself! (and besides, the Pats game doesn't start until 4:15!)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Building Update!

After an extended process of due diligence on the 128 West St. Wilmington site which is nearly completed, we are ready to move forward with the process that will lead towards a congregational vote on the purchase of this property.

This Sunday, October 24 from 1pm-3pm we will be hosting an Open House at the property (128 West St. Wilmington, the former Casa Di Fior) which will include a light reception, informational sessions, and tour of the building. In addition to having many from Grace Chapel come, we would also love to have everyone who has made a commitment to the new campus to join us as well! It will be a wonderful time for you all to meet one another - maybe for the first time!!

In the weeks to follow, we will be holding two Congregational Meetings on two consecutive Sundays at the Grace Chapel sanctuary immediately following the 11am service:

The first will be held on Sunday, October 31 and it will be the Information and Q&A meeting where people can gather information, engage in discussion, and have questions answered about the property and the process.

The second meeting will be held on Sunday, November 7. The purpose of this meeting is for Grace Chapel members to vote on the purchase of this property.

We look forward to seeing many of you at these upcoming events!

Continue to pray for God's leading!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Youth Director Search is Underway

As we continue to move forward with the New Campus, we will be hiring staff to serve in the areas of Children, Youth, and Worship - with some administrative support as well. Currently, we are in the midst of a search for a full-time Youth Director. We view this position as a critical one in the early stages of our development, since so many people that are joining us have kids who are involved in the decision-making process in their families! The new Youth Director will jump into the current GC Youth Ministry programming for the purpose of cultivating relationships with kids whose families will be transitioning to the new campus. We've received over 70 resumes and have begun to interview some very good candidates. Pray for our search team as we continue this process!