Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tis the Season!

As we make our way into the seasons of Christmas, I wanted to share with you some exciting things that will be happening at Grace Chapel, Wilmington. It is our first time celebrating the holidays in Wilmington together, so I want you to know all the details! Remember, this is a wonderful season to invite friends, family, and coworkers to church – many are open to trying something new during this time of the year.

On Sunday, December 4 at 4:30pm, we will have a Christmas Tree Lighting at the church. Hot cocoa, gingerbread cookies and a live reading of a Christmas story. Dress warm, bring your family, invite a friend, and together we will usher in the season of Advent.

Upcoming special Worship Services:

Sunday, December 11, 9:30am & 11:10am: a Jazz Christmas Worship featuring Berklee Jazz Writers Collective: A Berklee College of Music Ensemble

Sunday, December 18, 9:30am & 11:10am: a special Christmas Monologue by Pastor Wilkerson

Saturday, December 24, 4:30pm & 6pm: Christmas Eve candlelight Service featuring Jaime Jamgochian leading worship.

Sunday, December 25, 11:10am only: Christmas morning worship featuring Jaime Jamgochian leading worship.

In addition to all of this, remember that Grace Lexington will be hosting Christmas eve services on 12/22 and 12/23 at 7:30pm as well as on 12/24 at 3pm, 4:30pm and 6pm.

Lots to take advantage of! We hope to see many new faces as we celebrate the goodness of God!

In Him,

Tom VanAntwerp

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The other side of the launch

Well it's official . . . we have now moved beyond the "launch" phase of life here at Grace Chapel, Wilmington! We opened our doors on May 22, 2011, made our way through our first summer, had our first Vision Sunday on September 11, and on September 18 we had our official "Grand Opening". By God's grace we have been seeing around 500 people at our worship services, with more than 150 new to Grace Chapel and many more new to church altogether.

Launching something new always brings out the best in people. The joy of embracing new vision, taking a bold new step, rising to a significant and new challenge, awakens in us individually and collectively a passion to engage with enthusiasm in the work before us. New beginnings have a way of carrying with them their own momentum.

But what happens when we move beyond the beginning? What does life look like on the other side of the launch? Where does this necessary and important forward momentum come from now?

I would suggest it comes from being reminded of our mission.

We need to connect ourselves deeply and wholeheartedly to the reason why we launched the Wilmington Campus in the first place - so that individuals, families, neighborhoods, communities, the greater Boston region, and the even the world beyond might see and experience the love, grace, and goodness of Christ more clearly. We exist to partner with God in the transforming work that he's doing in the world - to see the spiritual landscape change around us and IN US! Our mission statement is simple - "Transforming lives with the surprising message of God's grace."

This doesn't happen by launching, it happens by LIVING!

It happens as we live the beautiful message of the gospel - through our abiding connection to Christ, our deep love for each other, our concern for the needs of those around us, and our connection to God's redeeming work in the world. It is in living like this, that we join with Him in His work of making all things new! What could be more thrilling than that?!

In Wilmington, we'll see this played out in a whole host of ways: as a young family brings God into the center of their homes for the first time; as a LIFE Community lovingly helps a neighbor in need; as a person brings a friend to ALPHA and sees their eyes open to the good news of the gospel; as a young person experiences God on a retreat with her friends; as together we are reminded of the amazing story of God throughout history in our times of worship. This is the stuff of life that we're now to be about in Wilmington! Let's roll up our sleeves and get started!

You see, now that we're on the other side of the launch . . . it's time for us to LIVE!!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

An Evening of Prayer in Wilmington - Wednesday, September 14

Join us this Wednesday night from 7-8:15 at the Wilmington Campus for a very important time of prayer as we begin our first full ministry year. We will gather in the sanctuary and then pray through the various ministry areas of the building. We'll be asking that God's grace, truth and power might flow through each of us and that it would be at the heart of all that we do this year. We hope many of you will join us!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Join a LIFE Community on Sunday, September 11

A LIFE Community is a gathering of people who meet regularly in homes or at the Grace Chapel campus to experience the Christian life together. These fellowship groups are Grace Chapel's primary way of building community in the midst of our large congregation.

Our LIFE Communities seek to develop "three-dimensional" life together, summarized by Caring, Growing and Making an Impact. We gather together to care for one another, grow deeper in our faith, and make an impact in the world in which we live.

On Sunday after the services, you can check out the groups that are meeting around the Wilmington campus. Leaders will be in the lobby with flyers about their group so that you can meet them, ask questions, and find a group that is right for you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A New Season Begins!

As the summer days get shorter and the slightest bit cooler and the yellow buses slow our morning commutes, we’re all reminded that the seasons are changing soon. For us at Grace Chapel Wilmington, it means we’re at the beginning of a new ministry year. It’s hard to believe that we’ve only been open since May 22. What a wonderful summer it has been! By now you may have heard that Sunday, September 11 is our Vision Sunday at Grace. The Lexington campus will be dedicating their new sanctuary space and we will be launching our first full year of ministry at the Wilmington Campus. Pastor Bryan will be sharing vision in Lexington, while I will be doing the same right here in Wilmington. A few things you should know as we get ready for that important day:

1) New worship hours/programming begins. Beginning on Vision Sunday, we will have two services – 9:30am and 11:10am. We will offer Kidstown for kids newborn-5th grade at both hours, 6th – 12th grade Fusion and Gravity at the 9:30 hour, an Adult Discipleship course entitled “Foundations of Spiritual Formation” at the 11:10 hour in the Cove.

2) Get connected to a LIFE Community - Our LIFE Communities will be the very heartbeat of the community life that is developing here at the Wilmington Campus. These are groups of people who meet regularly for the purpose of community, growth, and service. We will be offering many different groups that meet at different times in various locations. On Vision Sunday, after the services, you will have an opportunity to see all the groups, meet the leaders, and find one that is a great fit for you.

3) Special Offering – as we officially launch our first full ministry season in Wilmington, we’d like to mark the moment with a “New Day of Grace” Celebration Offering. This will be an opportunity for those who haven’t yet participated in the New Day of Grace Campaign to make a one-time gift or a commitment for the second half of the campaign. For those who have been giving, it’s an opportunity to do something special to express your gratitude and continuing commitment to transforming lives in greater Boston and beyond.

Finally, be watching for information about our Grand Opening the following Sunday - Sunday, September 18 - We've been worshiping in Wilmington for a few months now, but this is our very first opportunity to start the fall off right with a grand welcome to friends and neighbors. Many people have wondered what has happened at the old Casa Di Fior, and we want to give them an opportunity to see for themselves. There will be an outdoor tent with refreshments, an expression of our heart for serving the community, a wonderful message from Pastor Bryan that launches our year-long preaching theme "Living God's Story" and a great time of welcome and worship!

Looking forward to a wonderful year with all of you,

Tom VanAntwerp

Pastor, Wilmington Campus

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Service Times Begin Sunday, September 11

Beginning on Vision Sunday, September 11, our Wilmington Campus will be holding two morning services at 9:30am and 11:10am. This will give us a little more breathing room between each of our services - won't that be nice!? More info on the fall to come soon.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

No Services August 28 Due to Hurricane Irene

Due to Hurricane Irene and the specific requests of both the Governor and the Towns of Lexington and Wilmington that everyone stay off the roads for their own safety and the safety of others, services are cancelled for Sunday August 28. Note that our worship service from 8/21 will be broadcast Sunday 8/28 on WEZE AM 590 at 9:30am.

Monday, July 18, 2011

High School Mission Trip to New Orleans

I just got back from the Grace Chapel high school mission trip to New Orleans from July 2-9th. It was such a blessing to serve alongside six of our Wilmington students and the rest of the Grace Chapel team. The phrase that sticks out to me most is the "power of God." We were just surrounded by God's blessing and protection all week. Each student went on several "prayer walks" during the week; praying for the neighborhoods we were working in, and with the people who lived there. We were all just overwhelmed by how God worked in our hearts and through those conversations.

Students were also encouraged by the amount of work we accomplished as a team. We cleaned up a house that was demolished by a tornado, and cleaned, drywalled, and painted a half dozen homes in the city. We also threw two block parties in the city for our neighborhoods. It was a joy to see how hard all of them worked.

Thank you for your prayers during the week. If your student has never been on a mission trip, I would encourage them to join us next summer. It's an unforgettable opportunity to see God work, to be used to glorify Him, and to connect on a much deeper level with with a team.

Our whole team getting debriefed on day 1

Here is the small group team I was on (there were 6 in all) after a day of tornado cleanup.

This is our whole group in the lower 9th ward at the site where the levee broke.

One of the houses we worked on

A youth group from New York that we ran into and prayed with.

The students passing my camera around the van. We had 50 min drive into the city each day, including a 24 mile bridge (the world's longest continuous bridge over water).

Isaac Milton
Director of Youth Ministry

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer at Wilmington

So much has happened here at Wilmington Campus since our opening day in May! Our new building feels full and alive with over 450 people attending our three services each week. We have even started our own Wilmington Campus tradition: a weekly picnic by the gazebo after church on Sundays!

For the summer, we have three Sunday morning services: 8:00am, 9:30am, and 11:00am. It's been fun to have Bryan preach live from the Wilmington stage at the 8:00am service. Our Kidstown ministry is also in full swing, as is Fusion/Gravity. Recently, Isaac and several Gravity students went on a mission’s trip to New Orleans- stay tuned for a blog entry and pictures about their trip! This coming week, a group of Fusion Middle Schoolers will be headed on a trip to The Boston Project- please pray for them as they head into the heart of Dorchester for the next week.

As amazing as the summer has been, we have some great things to look forward to this fall. On September 11, come to Vision Sunday to hear about what our year holds- and to meet your future LIFE Community group! We hope to launch several Wilmington LIFE Communities this fall, and on September 11, we will have a LifeLink where you can meet leaders and check out the locations of this year’s groups. If you’re new to the Wilmington Campus, don’t miss our Welcome to Grace Reception on September 25 (after that 11am service). This is a chance to learn a little more about Grace Chapel and get to meet Pastor Tom and other members of the staff.

Thanks to everyone for your interest and involvement at the Wilmington Campus. See you Sunday!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Very Special Day!

After planning, praying, and preparing for months to open our doors to Grace Chapel's Wilmington Campus, the day finally came!

Scores of volunteers had the place all set and ready - parking teams and greeters, Kidstown workers and youth leaders, balloons and cake – we pulled out all the stops! When the services began, people started streaming in. The services were worshipful and amazing. Pastor Bryan opened the Bible and spoke with relevance and passion. The parking lots were full to overflowing! It really felt like Grace Chapel!

By the end of the second service, one of the ushers whispered in my ear the total number of folks at the two services – 596!

Nearly 600 people for our first service! It was amazing day – one that far exceeded any of our hopes or expectations. We welcomed over 80 people who’d never been to Grace Chapel before. To top it all off, we were thrilled to know that we were worshiping together with Lexington – one church, two campuses!!

Praise God for a very special day!!

See you on Sunday!


Opening Day Images!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Painting The Cove

We had a great time last week painting The Cove (the youth space in Wilmington). We had over 20 students and adults help out over the three days we painted. I am so thankful for everyone who came to help. The place looks awesome. It was great to see students starting to own this space. I don't want The Cove to be a place that students show up to, but instead a place that they create.

Here are 3 videos I have taken that show transformation that has taken place in The Cove. This first one is from about 2 months ago:

Here we are after the first day of painting:

This video is from after day 2:

There is still more work to be done. We would love to have you help at The Cove and that rest of the campus this Saturday.

-Isaac Milton
Director of Youth Ministry

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Cleaning Day on Saturday, April 30!

Join us for a church-wide spring spruce-up, including some light landscaping, painting, and general cleanup at the Wilmington Campus from 9:00am - 4:00pm on Saturday, April 30th! Pizza lunch provided. Contact Farrell Lindemann flindemann@grace.org for more information.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Services begin Sunday, May 22nd!

We have made the decision to hold our first Sunday services on Sunday, May 22. While we had hoped for an Easter launch, we feel that we aren't quite ready to open the doors yet. We still have much planning to do in order to be up and running at full speed.

We had a great group of volunteers helping out this past Saturday - pulling carpet in Kidstown and cleaning many areas. We will have a work day again tomorrow for anyone who'd like to join us! Also, mark your calendar for Saturday, April 30. This will be an all church Spring Cleaning Day! It will be fun to serve together!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two Upcoming Youth Events at Wilmington

We have two upcoming events at the Wilmington campus for students in 6th-12th grade.

This Friday, April 15th, we will have a movie night at 7pm. We will be watching Pixar's Up. We have a ton of bean bag chairs and couches. All you need to bring are some snacks.

Next Tuesday, April 19th, we will have a painting day from 9am-3pm at the church. We will be painting and decorating the large group area in The Cove.

Please let me know if you will be able to attend either of those by emailing me at: imilton@grace.org.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Prayer Gatherings Continue

Happy Spring to everyone! I just wanted to write a quick reminder, inviting you to continue to pray with us as we get closer to worshiping together at our new Wilmington campus. It has been such a joy to watch the building be transformed over the past several weeks, and to also be privileged to see the Lord answer our prayers, time and time again! He is so good! If you are able, please consider joining us for prayer. We continue to meet every morning, Monday-Friday from 6-6:30am, and evening, Monday-Friday 7-7:30pm. Since beginning this prayer commitment for the Lenten season, I have been so blessed by God's closeness to us and the way His holy spirit is paving the way for the opening of our new campus. You have been, and continue to be, in our prayers! Blessings! Kirsten McLaughlin

Friday, April 1, 2011

Youth Ministry @ Wilmington FAQs

I thought I would take this time to answer some of the most common questions about youth ministry at the Wilmington campus.

What time will students meet?
We are meeting during the first service on Sundays, which will most likely be at 9:30am

Where will students meet?
Behind the sanctuary and lobby is a space known as The Cove. That is where we will be meeting every Sunday morning. It includes large group area and serveral smaller spaces for small groups.

What will that time look like?
It will be familiar to students who are currently involved in Fusion (middle school) and Gravity (high school). We will have a short time of corporate worship, a practical and Biblical teaching, and small groups. There will be specific Fusion and Gravity small groups.

Will there be any activities before launch?
There will be a movie night tentatively on Friday April 15th. The date will be confirmed in the next few days.
We will have painting/decorating days on April 19-20 (Tuesday and Wednesday) during school vacation.

What's happening during the summer?
We will continue to meet on Sunday mornings. There will be one Wilmington specific event each month and we will join the Lexington campus for others. As one church we will be going on the high school mission trip, middle school mission trip, and a week at Camp Berea.

Will there be any regular mid-week programming?
We are looking to start a mid-week program for middle and high school students starting in September.

Please email me at imilton@grace.org if you have further questions.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wilmington Youth Ministry Party Report

It was so exciting to see 28 students and 8 leaders at The Cove last Sunday. The Cove is the name we have given the youth space at the Wilmington Campus. It was great seeing students get to know each other and fall in love with this space that they will help decorate and create.

If you have questions about youth ministry at Wilmington, or would like to be involved as a leader, please email me at: imilton@grace.org

Thursday, March 10, 2011

40 Days of Prayer

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19-20

Scripture tells us that when we pray together in one accord, our God hears the requests we place before Him and is in our midst!

I would like to extend an invitation for you to join an amazing opportunity that we have during this Lenten season, leading up to the celebration of Easter, and the opening of the Wilmington Campus. Please consider joining us in a period of committed prayer to entrust these next several weeks to the Lord, with faith that He will pave the way to a smooth opening of the Wilmington Campus on April 24th.

God has provided a space within the Wilmington building to meet, times to set aside for Him, and people who are willing to be present and commit to this! We would love you to join us. Look forward to seeing you there.

• We will be meeting 2X daily, Monday-Friday (March 10-April 22)
• Morning prayer 6:00am-6:30am
• Evening prayer from 7:00pm-7:30pm
• Enter from East side double doors, take an immediate right up the stairs (you’ll see signs)

Praying with you,

Kirsten McLaughlin

jdashkmclaughlin@gmail.com (email with any questions)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Guided Tour of Youth Space

Party for all youth on Mar. 20th from 1-3pm at the Wilmington Campus. Email me at imilton@grace.org if you have any questions.

-Isaac Milton
Director of Youth Ministry

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Construction Continues!

Fusion/Gravity Party at Wilmington

Many people have asked how their middle/senior high students will get to meet other teens who will be at the Wilmington campus. Ask no more, as we will be having a party for teens interested in the new campus on Mar. 20 at 1:00pm. We will meet at the newly renovated youth space at: 128 West Street Wilmington, MA. This will be an afternoon of free pizza and games. This will be a great opportunity for students to meet other peers and adult leaders who will be joining them at the Wilmington campus. Please let me know if you will be able to attend by emailing me at imilton@grace.org

Stay on the lookout for a Saturday night event in early April and some painting/decorating in the youth space in mid-April. Our first Sunday program for Fusion/Gravity will be on May 1.

-Isaac Milton
Director of Youth Ministry

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Building Update

Exciting things are happening with our new building! The Demolition began a week ago and by Monday all of the walls in the lobby were down. I can already picture people hanging out in that space having coffee, getting information, making life changing connections!

This week construction begins! We are at 62 days till Easter and counting…..please continue to pray for Columbia (construction company) and all of the subcontractors to work effiently and effectively together.

Here are a few more Updates:

1. Josh Blumenshine jsblumenshine@yahoo.com is working on putting together a “sweat equity” team to do wallpaper stripping, cleaning, Café wood flooring installation and some HVAC ductwork insulation etc saving about $25,000! If you would like to volunteer, please contact Josh.

2. Jon-Mark jmmclaughlin@fhperry.com is working with our Youth Staff, Isaac Milton to take down a few walls and fix up the Youth Space. If you would like to help with the Youth Space, please contact Jon-Mark.

3. Brooke Sulahian bssulahian@gmail.com has been soliciting donated items for Kidstown. If you have stuff you would like to donate, please contact Brooke.

4. The big sign on 93 and the street sign on West St. are being repaired and fabricated…..hopefully up by the end of Feb/first of March.

5. Chairs and carpet have been ordered (I got them to send one demo which some of you have seen). Everyone seems to really like the look and feel of the chair.

Miracles: As I have mentioned, I am keeping list of “miracles” (everything God does is really a miracle but I am keeping some of the most extraordinary!) One of these was the sell of the curtains/chandeliers….remember those? Tim was great to get them up on Craig’s List but after numerous interactions/snowed out appointments from buyers wanting to separate the items, I pursued an auctioneer that Robin the former owner put me in touch with. He connected me to a function hall owner who came and bought all of the drapes and lights for $5000! We saved money by not having to take them down ourselves and they were out of the building one day before the demo began…..wow.

A few other items on the miracle list:

1. We have received a number of donated items including a sofa, love seat, pool table for the Youth Space and some excellent condition kitchen appliances (stove, microwave, dishwasher).! If you have Youth Space items (ping pong table, video game set up, sports equipment, sound system) , office desks, rocking chairs or kitchen appliances, please contact Richard Rhodes richard@grace.org

2. We learned from the Elevator company that our elevator will pass inspection!

Well I hope this note encourages you and helps you to feel caught up!

May God continue to bless His work.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Wilmington Campus Gathering - Feb. 27

We would like to welcome all of you to join us on Sunday Feb. 27 at 12:30 in the Fellowship Hall. This will be an opportunity for you to get caught up on the latest information about the Wilmington campus. We will have a brief (20 minute) presentation from campus pastor Tom VanAntwerp and other ministry leaders. The presentation will include:

-Building update
-Staffing update
-Vision for the campus in Wilmington
-Information on Kidstown, Fusion, and Gravity
-Service opportunities

After the presentation, there will be light refreshments and an chance to meet ministry leaders in the lobby. If you are looking for ways to use your gifts at the new campus, this will be a great time to meet other volunteers and connect with ministries.

We look forward to seeing all of you on the 27th!

-Isaac Milton
Wilmington Campus Director of Youth Ministry

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunday's Boston Globe Article

This past sunday, there was an article in the Boston Globe about the campus in Wilmington. Here's the link: Boston Globe Article

Thursday, February 3, 2011

We're on Google!

Want to find us? Google "Grace Chapel Wilmington MA" and you'll see that we're now a marker on their map!! Pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

And this is my prayer

Philippians 1

"Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus,

To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God."

Philippians 1:1-11 was part of my devotional on Monday morning and I thought it was so neat because it is all about intercessory prayer!

Here are a couple of things that I took away from the passage:

1) The sense of intimacy that Paul and Timothy feel towards the church at Philippi. The people are in the apostles’ hearts, Paul and Timothy long for the church with Christ-like affection. They remember the people of the church often, praying for growth in love, discernment, and righteousness, for the glory of God.

2) The common ground or unified purpose and vision that Paul and Timothy share with the church. Together, they are partners in Christ, following Christ’s leading daily as He continues to work towards completing His purposes in their lives.

Ways you can be praying:

- Pray continually for details regarding the construction project including décor decisions, coordination and work of the construction company, permit process, sign installation, etc.

- Pray for collaborative work between Grace Chapel Staff, Wilmington volunteers, and our pastors. May we make unified choices as one church, multiple campuses.

- Pray for volunteers to respond to God’s prompting to serve at the new campus.

- Pray for our leaders, that they may remain rooted in Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit to discern God’s will and love one another.

Praying with you,
Kirsten McLaughlin

p.s. If you are interested in being a member of the prayer team for the New Campus, please contact Kirsten McLaughlin, jdashkmclaughlin@gmail.com to learn about upcoming prayer meetings and ways that you can serve.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Second Chance to Meet the Youth Director

We had a great dessert night on Monday night at Bret and Corri Ogburn's home. I was great to meet other parents and youth workers who will be at the new campus. If you missed the opportunity on Monday, we will be meeting tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 20th at:

Kurt and Sharon Drescher
33 Woodland Street
Reading, MA 01867


Please let me know if you will be attending.

-Isaac Milton

Monday, January 10, 2011

Prayer Team Update

Matthew 6:10-14 "This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

Today I am struck by the theme of “forgiveness” within this prayer, as it is used 6 times throughout the passage. Forgiveness seems to be reiterated over and over as if to emphasize its central importance in shaping our behavior and character as followers of Christ. As sinful people, we have the tendency to offend, act selfishly, and become irritated by the actions of others. Honestly, this is likely to happen in the months ahead as Satan attempts to bring temptation upon us as a congregation. Let us hold strongly to this scripture, forgiving one another in all circumstances, with the mind of Christ.

May God be glorified and honored as we communicate with Him about the desires of our heart and may our vision become so influenced by Him that we move forward in His wisdom and with His eternal perspective.

The following are some relevant ways in which you can begin to pray:

• That God would touch each person who is working on this project (town officials, architect, construction company, workers, etc)

• Pray that God gives us wisdom as to how to prioritize our limited building budget and that He multiplies the funds

• Pray for work to be accomplished in our tight time frame so that we can open Easter ‘11

• Pray for the Building Team as they research give input to the design and outfitting of the building

• Pray for the coordination and gift of workers donated time/expertise and “sweat equity”

• Pray for the ongoing interview process and identification of ministry leaders for the new campus

• Pray for the youth that will be joining the new campus, leaving a solid core group in Lexington to step out in leadership at a very vulnerable time in their lives. May they be empowered by the Holy Spirit to unite as a group and share a passion to actively participate and shape the new youth ministry.

• Pray that the Lord will shape a mission-minded congregation with an outward focus to serve others in our local communities.

• Pray for our neighbors in Wilmington and the surrounding towns – that God would be actively at work in their lives and that their hearts would be receptive and open to Him.

• Pray for humility, open hands, and surrendering of ideas to the will of God. May our visions and plans not distract us from what God finds most important-reaching others for His Kingdom.

Thank you for your prayers!


p.s. If you are interested in being a member of the prayer team for the New Campus, please contact Kirsten McLaughlin, jdashkmclaughlin@gmail.com to learn about upcoming prayer meetings and ways that you can serve.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Meet the New Campus Youth Director

Dear, New Campus Parents,

This is Isaac Milton, the Director of Youth Ministry for Grace Chapel's Wilmington campus. If you are a parent of a junior or senior higher, or you are about to be a parent of one, I would love to meet you. What better way to get to know someone, than over dessert? Bret and Corri Ogburn, and Kurt and Sharon Drescher have graciously opened up their homes to be used for such an event. There will be two separate nights so that you can pick the one that works best for your schedule.

The two opportunities are:

Monday Jan. 17th
7:00 - 9:00pm
Bret and Corri Ogburn's home
20 Mineral St
Reading, MA 01867

Thursday Jan. 20th
7:00 - 9:00pm
Kurt and Sharon Drescher's home
33 Woodland Street
Reading, MA 01867

There will be three goals for the night:
1. For both of us to get to know each other better. Youth ministry is a partnership between parents and leaders. It starts here!
2. For you to get to know other parents who are planning or considering going to the new campus.
3. For me to hear from you, and what your hopes are for youth ministry in the new campus.

If you are interested, please let me know which night you are attending.

imilton@grace.org OR
781-862-6499 ext. 137
