Monday, September 27, 2010

Our First Prayer Meeting!

We had a wonderful time in the cool drizzly parking lot of 128 West St. last night. With about a dozen folks, we lifted the new campus before the Lord and asked for His power and guidance seeking His leading for Grace Chapel, the new campus, the current owners of Casa Di Fior, the people who lived in the surrounding towns that will be reached by the witness of our new campus, and each of us as we begin to form a new and vitally connected congregation.

It really felt like another first. . . the new campus’s first prayer meeting!!

I would ask your continued prayer for three things:
  1. For the Grace Chapel Elders - as they continue to provide guidance and oversight of the New Campus process.
  2. For our congregation - as it readies for a vote on the potential purchase of the building. Allow people to understand the vision for the new campus and respond favorably to God's leading.
  3. For the New Campus leadership - as we begin to work to create a unified congregation from a variety of circles of people who are enthusastic about seeing God do a new work!

In Christ,


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